Jeffrey English NYC Shares Why All Graphic Designers Need to Utilize Email Marketing

When you want to become a graphic designer, you must consider how you can use the written word to market your designs. Plus, every new design should be easy to adjust when you want to use it in an email or on a poster. There are a few tips below from Jeff English that explain what you can do to make your graphic designs more powerful.

Graphic Designs Must Be Flexible

Jeff English NYC has worked on many different graphic designs over the years, and all those designs were as flexible as possible. A flexible design can be used anywhere, and it can be blown up or shrunk to suit the situation. This is especially important when you want to add designs to an email. Your customers do not want to read long and complex emails. However, they want to see something that is intriguing.

Create a graphic design that will be easy to use when you are ready to transpose it to an email. You might create different emails that feature your designs, and you can cut/paste these designs as much as you need.

Graphic Designs Should Enhance Emails

When you read about Jeffrey English NYC, you will learn how graphic designs enhance emails. If your company has created a new logo or slogan design, you need to use that design in each email to make that email stand out. You are showing your customers that you put time and effort into each email. Plus, a colorful logo or graphic design will capture the attention of someone who is quickly trying to clear their inbox.

Graphic Designs Can Be The Centerpiece Of Your Marketing Campaign

The graphic designs that you create could be the centerpiece of your marketing campaign. Your designer can create something that is the face of your new campaign. You can put your logo in the middle of all your marketing emails, or you could use the design as a header for each new email. Plus, you might the logo to be the background of your emails.

Graphic Designs Can Carry Over From One Email Program To Another

Because you ordered a design that can be used in emails, you can carry that design from one email to another. You can continue to use these designs so long as they give you the results you need. Plus, you can tweak your graphic designs to make them look more modern.

As your email campaign improves, your designs can improve.

Email Helps Create Useful Repetition

When you are using email to market your products, you should add a design that is memorable. People might not remember what you have said, but they will remember the logo in the background of each subsequent email. Your logo becomes something that people remember no matter when they see it. Plus, your logo can be used to help people remember the information you have sent in the past.

Even if someone merely glanced at an email, the logo that was created by Jeff English NYC will remind them of content from the last email. Your customers tend to retain your information more easily, and they will be delighted to see your designs if they are shopping with your business regularly.

Email Can Be Used To Release New Designs

When you hire someone like Jeffrey English NYC, you are hiring that designer to create new designs on a fairly consistent basis. You should continue to release those designs subtly through your emails. If your customers see a new design that serves as the background for your next sale, they will be intrigued. Plus, you can add those designs to your website. People who come to your website regularly will grow accustomed to seeing those designs.

If you are releasing a new product with a new design, that design should be the focal point of your email marketing. Plus, images from your email marketing can be shared on social media to improve the overall effectiveness of your campaign.

Email Can Be Delivered At The Right Moment

You can deliver emails at critical times during the day when people will read them. Delivering email in the morning helps people check those emails right before they start work. You can send those emails at the end of the day when people can check them after work. You are targeting people that are most interested in your company, and you are giving them a chance to shop because they have time to read and digest the information you have sent.

Your Graphic Designs Might Include Text That Could Be The Title Of Your Marketing Email

When you are trying to title your marketing emails, you need to use the slogan or motto inside the design. This makes it much easier for people to understand what you want. They will open the email, see the words in the design, and read further. Plus, you do not need to create an outrageous title that is difficult for people to understand.

If you are using titles that look ridiculous, your customers will not read the emails. Some people might think the emails are spam, and your emails may never be seen. Some of your customers will not even know that you sent them any emails.

How Long Does The Graphic Design Last?

Graphic designs that are used in emails are seen as adjustable because you use different parts of them for each new email. You will find that updating your graphic design is easy, and you can make small changes over the years without anyone noticing. A quality design for your logo or products could last for decades with only minor changes to make it look fresh.


When you are searching for the best logo or graphic design, you should hire someone who can help you make designs that are unique to your company. You can make your company recognizable, and your customers will fall in love with the colors your company uses every day